Not Doing A/B Testing Even Though You Know You Should?

Most software companies don't A/B test -- shocking, I know, but true. Let's fix that.

Hiya! I'm Patrick McKenzie (patio11). I developed the leading Ruby on Rails framework for doing A/B testing, wrote a book (Sell More Software, Hyperink Press), and have delivered a dozen conference talks on it. I also did high-end ($30,000 a week) consulting on it for big-name software companies. I want to help you raise your conversion rates by 5~10%, this month. For free.

Free Mini-Course On A/B Testing

Patrick teaches you conversion optimization for software companies. It will be fluff-free, dense, comprehensive, and wildly actionable. You'll get about two emails a week, and a sneak peek on his upcoming video course on the topic. Totally free, unsubscribe any time.

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